10 mar '09


Asiatisk Plads 2, 1448 København K – Tlf. +45 33 92 00 00, e-mail: um@um.dk
Bredgade 43, 1260 København K. – Tlf. + 45 33 92 97 00, e-mail: vtu@vtu.dk

COP15 Climate Conference: Denmark skips gifts and educates youth in stead

The Danish Government has decided to establish a ‘COP15 Climate Scholarship’ for money saved pursuant to its policy of not giving gifts to participants at the Climate Conference in Copenhagen later this year.

At similar international conferences, participants usually receive gifts and so-called conference-kits with various items from the host country. At the COP15 in Copenhagen the number of participants is expected to reach 15.000. As part of its efforts to reduce the environmental and climate impact of the conference, the government has decided to discontinue the practice of giving gifts. The DKK 4 million (app. USD 700.000) hereby saved will instead be spent on climate scholarships allowing 10-12 candidates from all over the world to carry out 2-year climate related master’s programs at Danish universities.

”Our 0-gift policy and the COP15 Climate Scholarship are good signals to send at a conference which requires innovation in terms of the way we use our resources. Although there is no doubt as to the good intentions behind giving gifts, we have often experienced how conference kits end up in garbage bins at conference venues and hotels. We want break that habit in Copenhagen and spend the money in a constructive way”, says Minister for Development Cooperation, Ulla Tørnæs.

“The COP15 Climate Scholarship puts a spotlight on Denmark’s strong position in climate related research and the good possibilities for qualifying yourself at Danish universities. Besides, the scholarship is in line with the Government’s goal to increase the exchange of students across borders. With this scholarship, we hope to welcome a group of clever young people from all over the world who will become highly motivated to make a difference, and furthermore will get an exhaustive knowledge about Danish technology and research”, says Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation, Helge Sander.

For more information on the COP15 Climate Scholarship: www.studyindenmark.dk/climate

For further inquiries please contact
Chief Advisor Nis Gellert (Ministry for Foreign Affairs), tel. 33 92 02 77 or
International Advisor Christiane Mißlbeck-Winberg (CIRIUS), tel. 33 95 70 66
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs and CIRIUS, 4 February 2009

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